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How to change your address

This page describes how to change your address. There's different types of addresses, which are all covered in this article.

Change Customer Account Addresses

Your customer account has two different types of addresses: a general address, and optionally an invoice address.

For more information about the difference between a customer account and a user profile, please visit Difference between your User Profile and a Customer Account

Change General Account Address

The general address of a customer account is used for the main correspondence regarding the customer account. To change the general address, please go through following steps:

  1. Log into Cockpit with administrator rights to the customer account
  • Click the Settings icon in the side navigation navigation
  • Click the tab Details
  • Click the edit button next to the General Address
  1. Change the address and confirm by clicking the button Save

Change General Address

Change Invoice Address

The invoice address of a customer number is used for invoices. To add an invoice address, please go through following steps:

  1. Log into Cockpit with administrator rights to the customer account
  • Click the Settings icon in the side navigation navigation
  • Click the tab Details
  • Click the button Add invoice address

Add Invoice Address

Change User Profile Address

The user profile address will be used as a template for new customer accounts. In order to change your user profile address, please go through the following steps:

  1. Log into Cockpit
  • Click the User Profile icon in the side navigation navigation
  • Click on Manage User Profile
  • Click the edit button under User profile address
  1. Change the address and confirm by clicking the button Save

Change User Profile Address

Please note: As the primary email address is used to identify the user, it cannot be changed. How the first name and last name can be changed you can find in the next section.

For more information about the difference between a customer account and a user profile, please visit Difference between your User Profile and a Customer Account

Change first name and last name

In order to change your user profile's first and last name, please do the following steps:

  • Click the User Profile icon in the side navigation navigation
  • Click on Manage User Profile
  • Click the edit button under User identification

Change User Identification