🗃️ PHP
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🗃️ nine-manage-vhosts
5 items
📄️ Blocking Bot Requests
Websites are frequently made inaccessible due to an overwhelming surge in traffic, which is often caused by aggressive bot activity. While traditional Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks require specialized protection, such as Cloudflare, bot traffic can also be a significant issue. Fortunately, we can mitigate this issue by using an .htaccess file to block requests. This is only possible when using the Apache web server; Nginx does not support .htaccess files.
📄️ Does Nine provide (D)DoS protection options?
Official Cloudflare Partner
📄️ How do I redirect from HTTP to HTTPS?
Redirection from HTTP to HTTPS can be performed in various places: in the application, in the web server or in an upstream proxy/CDN such as Cloudflare.
📄️ Varnish cache: control cache using HTTP
We offer an HTTP API for the autonomous management of Varnish cache. This allows you to invalidate individual pages or entire areas or to update individual pages in the background.