ποΈ Price & Product Overview Root Server
Root Server
ποΈ Disks: How is a defective hard disk replaced?
Briefly, the procedure looks something like this:
ποΈ Disks: Why does my server have considerably less disk space than promised?
We usually install new Root Servers with a portion of the storage capacity unallocated. This allows customers to add the free hard disk space using LVM where they need it.
ποΈ How can I protect myself from SSH/FTP Brute Force Attacks?
"Brute force" attacks, in which a large number of username/password combinations are checked to log in to server services, are among the most widespread attacks. Especially the services SSH and (S)FTP are often targeted by such attacks.
ποΈ How can I receive the latest hardware generation?
On customer request, the server hardware can be replaced with the latest hardware generation at any time. The currently valid server set-up fees will be charged.
ποΈ How can I restart my Root Server?
If the server is no longer responding, you can restart it via the remote reboot function. To do this, log into the with your credentials.
ποΈ How do I access the rescue system?
To activate the rescue system, follow the steps below:
ποΈ How do I backup my Root (V)Server?
Nine offers you S3-compatible backup space where you can save the data of your root
ποΈ RAID configuration using StorCLI
For our Root Server Duals and the Root Server Storages Nine uses Intel Server Hardware, which have a dedicated RAID Controller Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080.
ποΈ Resize a partition after a diskupgrade
Important: This tutorial only applies to VServers that are configured with LVM. It is assumed that the partition scheme is left unaltered after the initial delivery of your VServer. Therefore, depending on the configuration, some values may differ.
ποΈ Setup a IPv6 Address
Upon request we provide you with a /64 IPv6 subnet for all our Root Server and Root VServer products. You will receive one subnet per server and be able to choose the preferred addresses out of this subnet.
ποΈ Software: Do you also offer Windows servers?
We don't offer Windows servers. However, you can run a Windows server using Server Housing.
ποΈ What happens in the event of a hardware defect?
If possible, we will perform a repair as arranged. The parts and replacement are covered by our hardware warranty, so you will not be charged.
ποΈ Which GNU/Linux distributions do you use?
By default we install Ubuntu LTS for you.