ποΈ Alertmanager
Alertmanager is a component of NKE that allows you to monitor your applications.
ποΈ ArgoCD
Argo CD is a service that allows you to continously deploy applications to NKE clusters by using a gitops workflow.
ποΈ Audit Logging
The Audit Log feature enables Kubernetes auditing for NKE. Kubernetes auditing
ποΈ Autoscaling your NKE workload
Autoscaling enables you to worry less about capacity planning and ensures the uptime of your services during load peaks. All this while you only pay what resources are needed at any given moment.
ποΈ Backup and Restore
Backup & Restore is a service of NKE allowing for regular backups and recovery
ποΈ Cluster Login
ποΈ Container (OCI) Registry
Registry is a service for storing private container images and Helm charts.
ποΈ Deletion Protection
Deletion protection allows to prevent specific Kubernetes resources from being
ποΈ External Secrets
External Secrets Operator (ESO) is a Kubernetes
ποΈ Grafana
Grafana allows you to quickly see the current state of your cluster and deployments.
ποΈ Ingress
The ingress system of Kubernetes is specifically designed to route external
ποΈ Kubernetes Cluster backed by vcluster
A vcluster is an alternative to NKE-backed Kubernetes clusters with different use-cases and limitations. It makes use of vcluster to provide Kubernetes clusters at a lower price point with some drawbacks in terms of availability guarantees and managed add-ons. As vclusters are running on top of NKE, it has access to the same compute infrastructure.
ποΈ Loki
Loki allows you to view and query logs of your containers using Grafana Loki.
ποΈ Nine Kubernetes Engine
Nine Kubernetes Engine or NKE is a fully managed Kubernetes offering running in Nine-operated data centers in Switzerland. Supplemented by additional services, letting you completely focus on your application development.
ποΈ Prometheus
Prometheus is a component of NKE that allows you to monitor your applications.
ποΈ Quota System
Since all resources in and around NKE are self-serviceable, there is a quota system in place to safeguard against accidental creation of many costly resources and to help Nine with resource planning.
ποΈ Sealed Secrets
Sealed Secrets encrypts Kubernetes Secrets so you can store them in git
ποΈ Security Concepts
RKE cluster
ποΈ Static Egress
The static egress feature allows your Pods to have a static, predictable
ποΈ Tempo
Tempo is a distributed tracing backend which allows you to store traces emitted